Viridian inks $185M financing, hires three Magenta executives as CEO Scott Myers exits

Stephen Ma­honey joined Virid­i­an Ther­a­peu­tics as CEO on Mon­day, with the for­mer Ma­gen­ta Ther­a­peu­tics pres­i­dent mark­ing the au­toim­mune biotech’s third chief ex­ec­u­tive in less than 12 months.

Ma­honey re­places Scott My­ers, who had led AM­AG Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals be­fore sign­ing on as Virid­i­an CEO in Feb­ru­ary when he filled in for Jonathan Vi­o­lin. Sun­day was My­ers’ last day af­ter an “in­vol­un­tary ter­mi­na­tion,” per a Mon­day morn­ing SEC fil­ing. Shares of Virid­i­an $VRDN were up al­most 9% af­ter the open­ing bell.

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