Senate Democrats urge Biden administration to require insurers to cover OTC birth control

As the le­gal land­scape for re­pro­duc­tive rights in the US re­mains in flux, De­moc­rats in the Sen­ate are call­ing on the Biden ad­min­is­tra­tion to re­quire health in­sur­ers to ful­ly cov­er the re­cent­ly ap­proved over-the-counter birth con­trol pill.

The FDA this past Ju­ly ap­proved Per­ri­go’s Opill as the first OTC birth con­trol op­tion in the US, which is ex­pect­ed to hit shelves next year. But the ques­tion of whether and how in­sur­ers will cov­er it re­mains out­stand­ing.

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