Novartis scores sixth Cosentyx approval from FDA, this time to treat hidradenitis suppurativa

No­var­tis on Tues­day nabbed an­oth­er in­di­ca­tion for its bi­o­log­ic Cosen­tyx (se­cuk­inum­ab), this time in the grow­ing field of treat­ments tar­get­ing the skin con­di­tion hidradeni­tis sup­pu­ra­ti­va in adults.

The ap­proval, the sixth in­di­ca­tion for Cosen­tyx, is based on pos­i­tive Phase III da­ta from the com­pa­ny’s SUN­SHINE and SUN­RISE tri­als. The re­sults showed that a high­er pro­por­tion of pa­tients giv­en a 300 mg dose of Cosen­tyx ei­ther every two or four weeks re­spond­ed com­pared to a place­bo group.

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