Medeor’s cell therapy boosts immune tolerance in registrational trial of donor kidney recipients

Mede­or Ther­a­peu­tics’ Phase III sin­gle-dose cell ther­a­py has seen more than half of a spe­cif­ic group of donor kid­ney re­cip­i­ents stop im­muno­sup­pres­sion ther­a­py for two years, spark­ing plans for an FDA fil­ing.

Mede­or’s MDR-101 is de­signed to in­duce and main­tain a state known as mixed chimerism, which oc­curs when a low lev­el of donor blood cells re­mains in the blood of a donor kid­ney re­cip­i­ent. MDR-101 treat­ment in­volves in­ject­ing blood stem cells and T cells from the donor in­to the re­ceiv­ing pa­tient.

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