CNS biotech Rapport snags a CFO veteran from Karuna; Bristol Myers’ new CEO to chair the board next year

Troy Ignelzi hap­pened in­to the bio­phar­ma world. He had dropped his sole col­lege sci­ence course to go play rac­quet­ball with his then-girl­friend (now wife of 32 years).

But, years lat­er, while work­ing on eco­nom­ic de­vel­op­ment in the Kala­ma­zoo, MI area, he helped sup­port lo­cal biotech com­pa­nies built by the sci­en­tists whom Pfiz­er was let­ting go in the late 1990s as part of an R&D shuf­fle. He hopped over to Eli Lil­ly in the ear­ly 2000s and has since helped mul­ti­ple drug de­vel­op­ers raise, col­lec­tive­ly, more than $4 bil­lion, in­clud­ing a few IPOs.

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