RAPT Therapeutics bolsters partner search with PhII data on small molecule-Keytruda combo

RAPT Ther­a­peu­tics is of­fer­ing the first look at Phase II da­ta sug­gest­ing that adding its small mol­e­cule CCR4 an­tag­o­nist to Keytru­da is lead­ing to hoped-for re­spons­es — even in pa­tients who oth­er­wise wouldn’t be ex­pect­ed to re­spond. And it’s now look­ing for a part­ner to help take the pro­gram for­ward.

Among 20 pa­tients with non-small cell lung can­cer who were PD-L1 pos­i­tive (de­fined as TPS ≥1%) and had not re­ceived pri­or check­point in­hibitor ther­a­py, FLX475 plus Keytru­da spurred a con­firmed ob­jec­tive re­sponse rate (ORR) of 40%. Bro­ken down by sub­groups, the ORR is high­er in those with TPS ≥50%, at 50%; and low­er in those with low­er PD-L1 ex­pres­sion (TPS 1-49%), at 38%.

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