Kodiak ‘reboots’ Eylea competitor after positive data in diabetic vision loss trial

De­spite two failed late-stage tri­als, Pa­lo Al­to-based biotech Ko­di­ak Sci­ences said it’s go­ing to restart de­vel­op­ment of its po­ten­tial Eylea ri­val af­ter it met all its end­points in a tri­al for di­a­bet­ic retinopa­thy, which can cause blind­ness in di­a­bet­ic pa­tients.

Ko­di­ak orig­i­nal­ly paused the de­vel­op­ment pro­gram last sum­mer when it flunked two Phase III stud­ies in di­a­bet­ic mac­u­lar ede­ma when put head-to-head against Re­gen­eron’s block­buster Eylea (afliber­cept).

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