Sage’s PPD drug to cost $15K; Abcam shareholders vote ‘yes’ on Danaher deal

Plus, news about Sen­ti Bio­sciences, Ce­lest Ther­a­peu­tics and Au­ra Bio­sciences:

Sage’s post­par­tum de­pres­sion drug to cost $15K for 14 days: The com­pa­ny an­nounced Tues­day that it set the whole­sale ac­qui­si­tion cost for Zurzu­vae at $15,900 for a 14-day course of treat­ment. The FDA this sum­mer ap­proved the ther­a­py as a treat­ment for women with post­par­tum de­pres­sion. Leerink an­a­lysts pre­vi­ous­ly pre­dict­ed that Sage would price Zurzu­vae be­tween $10,000 and $35,000.

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