BioNTech’s ‘extensive’ cancer pipeline comes into focus, with emphasis on ADCs

BioN­Tech, one of the biotech star­tups that helped vac­ci­nate bil­lions of peo­ple around the world against Covid-19, is start­ing to look like a can­cer com­pa­ny.

The com­pa­ny’s ex­ec­u­tives spent four hours run­ning through their can­cer pro­grams at BioN­Tech’s In­no­va­tion Day on Tues­day, dis­cussing da­ta from a va­ri­ety of an­ti­body-drug con­ju­gates, bis­pecifics, CAR-Ts and can­cer vac­cines. The event marked an ef­fort to crys­tal­lize how BioN­Tech’s re­cent deal­mak­ing spree is com­ing to­geth­er as Covid-19 con­tin­ues to shift to an en­dem­ic dis­ease.

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