AstraZeneca details expansive combo strategy for new oral GLP-1 as execs wager obesity market is ‘here to stay’

By ac­quir­ing Ec­co­gene’s GLP-1, As­traZeneca is bet­ting not just on the long-term po­ten­tial of the obe­si­ty drug mar­ket, but the val­ue of com­bin­ing the weight-loss drugs with pow­er­ful oth­er ther­a­pies like Farx­i­ga.

CEO Pas­cal So­ri­ot said Thurs­day that the com­pa­ny in­tends to pair ECC5004 with treat­ments in his com­pa­ny’s car­dio pipeline, strate­giz­ing a broad ap­proach to the mar­ket’s fu­ture by at­tack­ing co­mor­bidi­ties as­so­ci­at­ed with obe­si­ty.

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