GSK raises rare blood cancer awareness with well-known ‘Queer Eye’ designer

GSK is turn­ing to fam­i­ly ties for a new blood can­cer cam­paign. In­te­ri­or de­sign­er and for­mer “Queer Eye for the Straight Guy” show host Thom Fil­i­cia is work­ing with GSK to raise aware­ness of myelofi­bro­sis, a type of rare blood can­cer that his sib­ling had.

10 years ago, Fil­i­cia was a bone mar­row trans­plant donor for his broth­er who had been di­ag­nosed with myelofi­bro­sis. While his broth­er has been can­cer-free since then, Fil­i­cia rec­og­nized the lack of ed­u­ca­tion and re­sources through his fam­i­ly’s ex­pe­ri­ence.

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