Scoop: CellProthera eyes $30M round for PhIII trial of cell therapy for heart attacks: #Jefferies23

Cell­Prothera plans to raise around $30 mil­lion in its first ma­jor fundraise to help ad­vance its lead re­gen­er­a­tive cell ther­a­py pro­gram for pa­tients who have re­cent­ly ex­pe­ri­enced heart at­tacks in­to reg­is­tra­tional de­vel­op­ment, End­points News has learned.

“We want to do the Phase III tri­al in both the US and EU, so we ex­pect we need to raise as much as we’ve raised to date over sev­er­al tranch­es, but this time in a sin­gle shot,” CEO Matthieu de Kalber­mat­ten told End­points on Tues­day at the an­nu­al Jef­feries health­care con­fer­ence in Lon­don.

Endpoints News

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