Pharmas and physicians value medical affairs and MSLs, but have different content priorities, survey says

Phar­ma com­pa­nies and physi­cians agree on the in­creased im­por­tance of med­ical af­fairs and dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tions, but still have dif­fer­ent views on what kind of con­tent is most help­ful.

That’s ac­cord­ing to a new glob­al re­port from EPG Health that found 84% of phar­mas sur­veyed ranked med­ical sci­ence li­aisons as crit­i­cal or very im­por­tant, jump­ing ahead of sales force, which was cit­ed by 77%, for the first time. A sim­i­lar EPG Health sur­vey in 2021 found 94% of phar­mas ranked sales force as a high pri­or­i­ty.

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