Heard at #Jefferies23: Alnylam, Bicycle, Intellia, Nouscom, Rakuten Medical execs forecast 2024

At this year’s Jef­feries Lon­don Health­care Con­fer­ence, over 3,000 del­e­gates crammed in­to the nar­row hall­ways of the Wal­dorf Hilton. It was like speed dat­ing: Com­pa­nies were giv­en 30-minute slots for their pitch­es, com­pet­ing for at­ten­tion with as many as six oth­er con­cur­rent pre­sen­ta­tions.

The End­points News team in Lon­don caught up with ex­ec­u­tives on the side­lines of the con­fab and asked them two ques­tions:

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