CDMOs investigate how to support GLP-1 manufacturing, pharma considers supply chain diversity: #Jefferies23

If there were two key ideas that sprung from the CD­MO pan­el at this week’s Jef­feries Lon­don Health­care Con­fer­ence, it is that man­u­fac­tur­ers are re­view­ing how they can ex­pand in­to GLP-1s and that se­cur­ing sup­ply chains is at the back of mind for clients.

There is boom­ing de­mand for GLP-1s to the point that Sylke Has­sel, CEO of API man­u­fac­tur­er Ax­plo­ra, said that it’s akin to the surge of de­mand for Covid vac­cines dur­ing the height of the pan­dem­ic.

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