Bayer recalls one lot of solid tumor drug Vitrakvi after finding microbial contamination

Bay­er is vol­un­tar­i­ly re­call­ing a batch of its oral sol­id tu­mor drug Vi­t­rakvi be­cause of mi­cro­bial con­t­a­m­i­na­tion, just weeks af­ter with­draw­ing a sep­a­rate fol­lic­u­lar lym­phoma drug from the mar­ket.

The com­pa­ny said Fri­day it found Peni­cil­li­um bre­vi­com­pactum dur­ing rou­tine sta­bil­i­ty test­ing and is pulling 100 mL glass bot­tles that were dis­trib­uted to whole­salers and spe­cial­ty phar­ma­cies across the US be­tween Jan. 3, 2023, and Feb. 13, 2023.

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