J&J, Genmab reveal first-line data for Darzalex Faspro, plus new mantle cell lymphoma results for Imbruvica-Venclexta: #ASH23

The late-break­ing ab­stracts for next month’s Amer­i­can So­ci­ety of Hema­tol­ogy meet­ing in San Diego were re­leased Tues­day morn­ing. Here are three no­table stud­ies from drug­mak­ers test­ing ther­a­pies in dif­fer­ent blood can­cers and dis­or­ders:

J&J, Gen­mab re­veal first-line da­ta for Darza­lex Faspro in mul­ti­ple myelo­ma: Re­searchers have been at­tempt­ing to move Darza­lex Faspro, the sub­cu­ta­neous ver­sion of the can­cer ther­a­py Darza­lex, in­to ear­li­er lines of treat­ment. John­son & John­son on Tues­day re­port­ed da­ta from a Phase III tri­al dubbed PERSEUS com­par­ing the treat­ment to the stan­dard of care in the front­line set­ting. Darza­lex Faspro on top of the stan­dard of care sig­nif­i­cant­ly im­proved pro­gres­sion-free sur­vival (PFS) rates in 709 pa­tients af­ter 47.5 months. Me­di­an PFS was not reached in ei­ther arm, but the ther­a­py record­ed a haz­ard ra­tio of 0.42 and a p-val­ue of p<0.0001.

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