US government turns to more domestic pharma manufacturing to improve supply chain resilience 

The first meet­ing of the White House Coun­cil on Sup­ply Chain Re­silience was held to­day, led by Pres­i­dent Biden who’s look­ing to shore up Amer­i­can re­liance on for­eign drug and API man­u­fac­tur­ers.

The push for boost­ing do­mes­tic phar­ma man­u­fac­tur­ing by the White House comes as the num­ber of drugs and bi­o­log­ics in short­age is at an “all time high,” ac­cord­ing to a Man­hat­tan In­sti­tute re­port re­leased ear­li­er this month. For ex­am­ple, can­cer drugs such as cis­platin have been in short­age for months, caus­ing the FDA to in­crease im­ports of gener­ic can­cer drugs from In­dia and Chi­na.

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