Immunovant takes on argenx, J&J with plans to test FcRn inhibitor in multiple parallel trials after PhI win 

Im­muno­vant is gear­ing up to start a slate of mid-stage as well as piv­otal tri­als for its fol­low-on au­toim­mune drug, IMVT-1402, af­ter con­firm­ing what it calls “best-in-class” po­ten­tial in a Phase I healthy vol­un­teer study.

Tues­day’s da­ta up­date — on mul­ti­ple as­cend­ing dos­es of 600 mg each — comes two months af­ter news about the 300 mg co­hort dou­bled Im­muno­vant’s share price $IMVT and spurred a spike in the stock of Roivant $ROIV, which owns a con­trol­ling stake in Im­muno­vant.

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