GSK is winning 70% of the RSV market, while Pfizer’s launch has left it ‘disappointed’ so far

GSK has tak­en over a sig­nif­i­cant share of what’s ex­pect­ed to be a multi­bil­lion-dol­lar mar­ket for RSV pre­ven­ta­tives, turn­ing its vac­cine in­to a block­buster in the first year on the mar­ket while com­peti­tors strug­gle.

Like GSK, Pfiz­er al­so had its RSV vac­cines ap­proved this year, and Sanofi and As­traZeneca’s pre­ven­tive an­ti­body was cleared by the FDA in Ju­ly. The North­ern Hemi­sphere is in the height of RSV sea­son, and there’s been sig­nif­i­cant de­mand for the prod­ucts.

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