AstraZeneca halts two PhIII hyperkalemia studies intended to spotlight Lokelma’s clinical value

As­traZeneca an­nounced ear­ly Fri­day morn­ing that it is stop­ping work on two late-stage tri­als de­signed to gath­er val­ue-added ev­i­dence for Lokel­ma in hy­per­kalemia, a chron­ic con­di­tion for which the drug is al­ready ap­proved.

The Phase III STA­BI­LIZE-CKD tri­al faced “sub­stan­tial­ly in­creased en­rol­ment time­lines,” while the Phase III DI­AL­IZE-Out­comes tri­al re­port­ed low event rates. As such, “it was pro­hib­i­tive to de­liv­er study re­sults with­in a time­frame to mean­ing­ful­ly ad­vance clin­i­cal prac­tice,” the com­pa­ny said in a press re­lease.

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