Supreme Court weighs in on Purdue Pharma’s bankruptcy, with an eye toward opioid victims

WASH­ING­TON — The no­to­ri­ous fam­i­ly at the cen­ter of the US opi­oid epi­dem­ic — the Sack­lers — may not have been one of the par­ties in to­day’s case be­fore the Supreme Court, but they were fea­tured promi­nent­ly in the oral ar­gu­ments.

Jus­tices fo­cused their ques­tions on whether the bil­lion­aire fam­i­ly known for Pur­due Phar­ma’s Oxy­Con­tin has put up enough mon­ey for opi­oid vic­tims, and whether the com­pa­ny’s set­tle­ment and im­mu­ni­ty from fu­ture suits are jus­ti­fied.

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