Alto Neuroscience unveils efficacy signal from PhIIa MDD trial with machine learning-identified biomarker

Al­to Neu­ro­science has un­veiled topline da­ta from a mid-stage tri­al of its ma­jor de­pres­sive dis­or­der (MDD) drug can­di­date, which showed po­ten­tial in pa­tients with a brain ac­tiv­i­ty bio­mark­er iden­ti­fied us­ing ma­chine learn­ing.

The Phase IIa tri­al stud­ied AL­TO-300 in 239 MDD pa­tients tak­ing a back­ground an­ti­de­pres­sant but with in­ad­e­quate re­sponse. The pur­pose of the tri­al was to eval­u­ate po­ten­tial pre­dic­tive bio­mark­ers spe­cif­ic to the drug can­di­date, so the study was split in­to a dis­cov­ery por­tion and a test por­tion. The ex­act mech­a­nism of AL­TO-300 re­mains un­der wraps, but the drug is known to tar­get the sleep path­way.

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