German biotech’s efforts to revive obesity target for solid tumors yield positive PhIIa results

CatalYm’s sol­id tu­mor can­di­date, which tar­gets a pro­tein pre­vi­ous­ly ex­plored in obe­si­ty, has boost­ed re­spons­es in com­bi­na­tion with an im­mune check­point in­hibitor in an ear­ly-stage tri­al. The re­sults pave the way for the next stage of con­trolled stud­ies in ear­li­er lines of dis­ease.

The Phase IIa GDFA­THER-2 tri­al is eval­u­at­ing the Ger­man biotech’s vi­sugromab plus an im­mune check­point in­hibitor in more than 200 sub­jects with sev­en dif­fer­ent late-line ad­vanced sol­id tu­mors.

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