US Patent Trial and Appeal Board to reconsider Spruce patents around treatment for adrenal disorder

The US Patent Tri­al and Ap­peal Board will take a clos­er look at two patents cov­er­ing Spruce Bio­sciences’ ex­per­i­men­tal treat­ment for an adren­al dis­or­der, re­vers­ing re­cent de­ci­sions deny­ing post-grant re­view.

The patents re­late to the use of a CRF1 re­cep­tor an­tag­o­nist to treat con­gen­i­tal adren­al hy­per­pla­sia, a ge­net­ic dis­or­der that af­fects the adren­al glands and can lead to prob­lems with blood pres­sure, blood sug­ar and en­er­gy lev­els. Spruce is de­vel­op­ing its lead can­di­date tildac­er­font as a non-steroidal op­tion for CAH pa­tients, and is ex­pect­ing topline re­sults from two Phase IIb tri­als en­rolling dif­fer­ent groups of pa­tients next year, ac­cord­ing to its lat­est quar­ter­ly re­port.

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