Solid tumor biotech’s polymer nanoparticle-drug conjugate clears early-stage hurdle, sparking PhII plans

Dan­tari’s drug con­ju­gate as­set has pro­duced pos­i­tive da­ta as both a monother­a­py and in com­bi­na­tion with a PARP in­hibitor in an ear­ly-stage breast can­cer tri­al, paving the way for a Phase II test.

The biotech’s Phase I dose es­ca­la­tion tri­al stud­ied DAN-222 as a sin­gle agent and in com­bi­na­tion with GSK’s Ze­ju­la in 30 metasta­t­ic HER2-neg­a­tive breast can­cer pa­tients with a me­di­an of six pri­or lines of ther­a­py. Re­sults from the tri­al come one year af­ter Dan­tari raised $47 mil­lion in a Se­ries A round.

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