Ex-Cedilla CEO Glucksmann explores ‘new frontier’ at Sensorium; R&D chief out at Merck women’s health spinoff Organon

Alexan­dra Glucks­mann is al­ways look­ing for “the next fron­tier” in med­i­cine. Af­ter spend­ing most of her ca­reer in ge­net­ic dis­eases, rare dis­eases and on­col­o­gy, her next pur­suit is in men­tal health.

The long­time bio­phar­ma ex­ec­u­tive is the next CEO at Sen­so­ri­um Ther­a­peu­tics, a biotech lever­ag­ing ma­chine learn­ing to de­vel­op new men­tal health treat­ments, start­ing from plant com­po­nents that are known to be psy­choac­tive. The com­pa­ny’s lead pro­gram in anx­i­ety is cur­rent­ly in pre­clin­i­cal test­ing.

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