BeiGene builds out long-term case for Brukinsa in CLL, despite an overall survival miss: #ASH23

SAN DIEGO — BeiGene tout­ed longer fol­low-up da­ta for its can­cer drug Brukin­sa in re­lasped or re­frac­to­ry chron­ic lym­pho­cyt­ic leukemia Sat­ur­day, show­ing con­tin­ued im­prove­ments in pro­gres­sion-free sur­vival com­pared to Ab­b­Vie and J&J’s Im­bru­vi­ca.

But over­all sur­vival re­sults, re­port­ed for the first time with a p-val­ue this week­end at #ASH23, failed to reach sta­tis­ti­cal sig­nif­i­cance, though there were few­er deaths in the Brukin­sa arm. Af­ter 39 months, 82.5% of pa­tients tak­ing Brukin­sa re­mained alive com­pared to 79.6% tak­ing Im­bru­vi­ca, re­sult­ing in a haz­ard ra­tio of 0.75 and a p-val­ue of p=0.098.

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