Vir downsizes by 12%, will close St. Louis and Portland sites in 2024 to save $40M+ annually

As Vir Biotech­nol­o­gy ex­pands be­yond in­fec­tious dis­eases, where it made a mark in Ebo­la and the ear­ly days of Covid, the biotech will down­size and close two of its US sites to save $40 mil­lion or more an­nu­al­ly, it said af­ter Wednes­day’s clos­ing bell.

The San Fran­cis­co-based biotech, which de­vel­oped a Covid an­tivi­ral with GSK and is still work­ing on pan­dem­ic pro­grams, will close its St. Louis site on April 15 and its Port­land R&D fa­cil­i­ty on Sept. 30, a spokesper­son told End­points News via email. It will con­tin­ue run­ning R&D work at its Bay Area and Bellinzona, Switzer­land, sites.

Endpoints News

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