Betting on public market demand for more obesity therapies, Fractyl Health files for IPO to back gene therapy

A week af­ter one obe­si­ty biotech, Car­mot Ther­a­peu­tics, backed out of its IPO plans in fa­vor of a $2.7 bil­lion sale to Roche, an­oth­er an­nounced plans to go pub­lic on Nas­daq.

The com­pa­ny, Fractyl Health, had filed to go pub­lic in 2022 short­ly af­ter dis­clos­ing a $100 mil­lion Se­ries F in June 2021. But de­spite hav­ing an S-1 on file, it nev­er ac­tu­al­ly pulled the trig­ger. Now, with obe­si­ty be­com­ing the hottest thing in bio­phar­ma, it’s fi­nal­ly mak­ing the move next year, ac­cord­ing to a se­cu­ri­ties fil­ing Thurs­day.

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