AC Immune’s Alzheimer’s drug heads to PhIIb; CytoDyn HIV drug on full hold; Syndax to raise $200M

AC Im­mune’s an­ti-pTau drug en­ters PhI­Ib: The Swiss biotech’s part­ner John­son & John­son launched the “po­ten­tial­ly reg­is­tra­tion-en­abling” study of ACI-35.030 in peo­ple with pre­clin­i­cal Alzheimer’s dis­ease. AC Im­mune is now set to re­ceive a mile­stone pay­out from J&J of CHF15 mil­lion ($17.3 mil­lion). The biotech al­so an­nounced an of­fer­ing of $50.1 mil­lion worth of shares, ex­pect­ed to close Tues­day. — Ay­isha Shar­ma

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