Passage Bio scraps a therapy; XOMA’s new loan; Impel is for sale

Plus, news on Im­priMed, blue­bird bio and Syn­dax.

Pas­sage Bio shakes up its pipeline: The Jim Wil­son-found­ed biotech is shelv­ing a ther­a­py for GM1 gan­gliosi­do­sis. It now plans to fo­cus on a pre­clin­i­cal Hunt­ing­ton’s gene ther­a­py and a gene ther­a­py for pa­tients with a form of de­men­tia af­ter re­port­ing safe­ty and bio­mark­er da­ta from three pa­tients, po­ten­tial­ly test­ing the treat­ment in oth­er adult neu­rode­gen­er­a­tive dis­eases. Pas­sage this year has gone through a se­ries of lead­er­ship changes and lay­offs and al­ready side­lined two pe­di­atric gene ther­a­py pro­grams for Krabbe dis­ease and metachro­mat­ic leukody­s­tro­phy. — Lei Lei Wu

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