Grail has big plans for its blood cancer tests. The first step: Finding a new owner

In March, Paul Schnei­der was di­ag­nosed with pan­cre­at­ic can­cer. The 77-year-old re­tired fire­fight­er was grate­ful to re­ceive the news.

He was symp­tom-free, and a blood test from the com­pa­ny Grail de­tect­ed the of­ten-in­cur­able dis­ease. Af­ter scans con­firmed the di­ag­no­sis, he un­der­went chemother­a­py that has kept the can­cer at bay.

“I’ve had friends get di­ag­nosed with pan­cre­at­ic can­cer and die in three months. So I’m very grate­ful to have caught this,” Schnei­der said.

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