Edgewise boosts awareness of rare Becker muscular dystrophy as it pursues potential first therapy

As Edge­wise Ther­a­peu­tics works to­wards its first FDA drug ap­proval, the small bio­phar­ma is al­ready launch­ing re­sources for one of the rare dis­ease com­mu­ni­ties it aims to help.

The dis­or­der is Beck­er mus­cu­lar dy­s­tro­phy, which af­fects about 5,000 peo­ple in the US and of­ten sits in the shad­ow of the bet­ter-known con­di­tion Duchenne mus­cu­lar dy­s­tro­phy. The con­di­tions are sim­i­lar­ly the re­sult of pro­tein mu­ta­tions that cause pro­gres­sive mus­cle dam­age, but Beck­er symp­toms typ­i­cal­ly ap­pear lat­er in life. Duchenne’s pa­tients of­ten start show­ing symp­toms by 1 to 2 years old.

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