Sanofi, Regeneron and AbbVie lead pharma TV advertisers in booming 2023

Even as the ad in­dus­try laments a gen­er­al down­turn in tra­di­tion­al TV me­dia, phar­ma mar­keters are wrap­ping up a block­buster year. Phar­ma com­pa­nies plunked down $4.37 bil­lion, an in­crease of 8.8% over 2022, on na­tion­al TV com­mer­cials through mid-De­cem­ber, ac­cord­ing to re­al-time ad track­er iS­

Sanofi and Re­gen­eron’s Dupix­ent was the high­est-spend­ing drug brand, with a com­bined $297 mil­lion for in­di­ca­tions in both eczema and asth­ma. Ab­b­Vie’s Skyrizi fol­lowed among the top 10 lead­ers with $287 mil­lion spent across in­di­ca­tions for Crohn’s dis­ease and pso­ri­a­sis. Boehringer In­gel­heim’s Jar­diance was next with $143 mil­lion in its lone type 2 di­a­betes in­di­ca­tion, fol­lowed by Bris­tol My­ers Squibb’s So­tyk­tu ($132 mil­lion), an­oth­er Ab­b­Vie brand Vray­lar ($127 mil­lion) and No­vo Nordisk’s Ozem­pic ($125 mil­lion).

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