Trailing Novartis and Eli Lilly, radiopharmaceuticals startup Full-Life Technologies nabs $63M to test new PSMA drug

As the US ra­dio­phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal space heats up with the ac­qui­si­tions of Rayze­Bio and Point Bio­phar­ma, a younger start­up based out of Chi­na and Bel­gium has raised $63.3 mil­lion to put its first pro­gram in the clin­ic.

Full-Life Tech­nolo­gies’ lat­est fi­nanc­ing is made up of a $47.3 mil­lion Se­ries B co-led by Pros­per­i­ty7 Ven­tures and an undis­closed health­care spe­cial­ist in­vestor, and a $16 mil­lion bank loan.

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