Jennifer Doudna, Fyodor Urnov want to streamline gene editing studies with Danaher’s help

Jen­nifer Doud­na wants to cre­ate a new blue­print for de­vel­op­ing gene edit­ing ther­a­pies for rare dis­eases — an area where there’s been lim­it­ed di­ver­si­ty in the con­di­tions be­ing ad­dressed be­cause many aren’t seen as prof­itable.

The In­no­v­a­tive Ge­nomics In­sti­tute, a non­prof­it found­ed by Doud­na, is part­ner­ing with life sci­ence tools com­pa­ny Dana­her for four years to de­vel­op gene edit­ing ther­a­pies for two rare ge­net­ic dis­eases, and the col­lab­o­ra­tors plan to share their play­book wide­ly in hopes of spurring more de­vel­op­ment of gene edit­ing treat­ments.

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