Bluebird is still looking for more financing as it brings sickle cell therapy to market: #JPM24

SAN FRAN­CIS­CO — Af­ter strik­ing deals for as much as $225 mil­lion in fi­nanc­ing, blue­bird bio’s CEO said the com­pa­ny is still on the look­out for more, in­clud­ing from a fu­ture part­ner or from an­oth­er source.

“There’s a lot of be­lief that a gene ther­a­py can’t be prof­itable,” CEO An­drew Oben­shain said in an in­ter­view with End­points News. Oben­shain, of course, be­lieves that it can be, and that the com­pa­ny will prove that as it launch­es its new gene ther­a­py for sick­le cell dis­ease. But it may take sev­er­al quar­ters to make be­liev­ers out of the mar­ket or a part­ner.

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