J&J extends ‘Save Legs’ campaign to drive awareness of peripheral artery disease

John­son & John­son is ex­pand­ing its pe­riph­er­al artery dis­ease (PAD) health eq­ui­ty cam­paign for 2024 with new ge­o­gra­phies and a new fo­cus on His­pan­ic pa­tients.

As part of the “Save Legs. Change Lives” cam­paign, J&J sent two mo­bile screen­ing units to five cities in 2023, con­cen­trat­ing on re­gions where Black Amer­i­cans have high­er rates of PAD-re­lat­ed am­pu­ta­tions com­pared to oth­er groups. This year, the cam­paign will fo­cus on two ge­o­gra­phies, with a year­long com­mit­ment to screen­ing and al­so ed­u­ca­tion and com­mu­ni­ty work, said Richard Browne, a car­di­ol­o­gist and se­nior med­ical ex­ec­u­tive for car­dio­vas­cu­lar and me­tab­o­lism med­ical af­fairs at John­son & John­son In­no­v­a­tive Med­i­cine.

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