Second round of inflation-related rebates hits 43 drugs from Amgen, Seagen, AbbVie and others

The De­part­ment of Health and Hu­man Ser­vices on Fri­day re­vealed its lat­est round of coin­sur­ance sav­ings for se­niors on drugs with prices ris­ing faster than the rate of in­fla­tion.

For the up­com­ing pe­ri­od of Ju­ly 1 to Sept. 30, the Cen­ters for Medicare & Med­ic­aid Ser­vices said 43 Part B drugs will have an ad­just­ed coin­sur­ance rate based on the in­fla­tion-ad­just­ed pay­ment amount. That trans­lates in­to low­er rates for se­niors, with sav­ings any­where from $1 to $449 per dose — up from $372 per dose in the first list from April, CMS said.

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