MarketingRx roundup: Pharma and biotech lead in salary satisfaction; Pfizer celebrates 175 years

Phar­ma and biotech are the most sat­is­fied em­ploy­ees when it comes to salaries among 25 in­dus­tries, ac­cord­ing to a USA To­day analy­sis of Glass­door re­views. Four of the top 10 com­pa­nies where em­ploy­ees are most sat­is­fied with their pay — com­plain­ing the least in re­views — were phar­ma com­pa­nies led by No­var­tis (4), Glax­o­SmithK­line (7), As­traZeneca (9) and Genen­tech (10).

The phar­ma and biotech em­ploy­ees al­so ap­pear to be gen­er­al­ly sat­is­fied with the com­pa­nies where they work, rank­ing an av­er­age score of 3.9 and com­ing in third be­hind the ed­u­ca­tion and con­struc­tion, oil and gas in­dus­tries.

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