Teva joins fellow pharmas in restricting 340B discounts

Te­va is the lat­est in a long list of drug­mak­ers plac­ing re­stric­tions around the fed­er­al 340B pro­gram which pro­vides dis­count­ed drugs for low-in­come Amer­i­cans.

Ac­cord­ing to a let­ter ac­quired by the non­prof­it 340B Health, Te­va an­nounced Thurs­day that start­ing Ju­ly 5, cov­ered hos­pi­tals with in-house out­pa­tient phar­ma­cies will no longer be el­i­gi­ble to have 340B-dis­count­ed med­i­cines shipped to con­tract phar­ma­cies. End­points News has con­firmed the con­tent of the let­ter with Te­va.

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