Gilead cancels biologics expansion in Oceanside, to move operations to Bay Area

Gilead isn’t mov­ing for­ward with plans to build a new bi­o­log­ics fa­cil­i­ty in Ocean­side, CA, and is in­stead re­lo­cat­ing its team to Fos­ter City, a Gilead spokesper­son told End­points News on Wednes­day.

The com­pa­ny is fo­cused on “broad­en­ing our im­pact for pa­tients and di­ver­si­fy­ing our pipeline,” the com­pa­ny spokesper­son said. Op­er­a­tions will con­tin­ue as nor­mal to avoid dis­rupt­ing the sup­ply of its prod­ucts to pa­tients, Gilead added.

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