Roche’s TIGIT win limited by standard of care change, lack of global study

Roche’s TIG­IT an­ti­body tiragolum­ab fi­nal­ly scored a Phase III win fol­low­ing two con­sec­u­tive late-stage fails last year, thanks to its SKY­SCRAPER-08 tri­al com­par­ing its TIG­IT against place­bo and chemother­a­py. But the com­par­i­son arm may leave some ques­tions unan­swered.

The da­ta, re­leased in an ab­stract as part of the 2024 AS­CO Gas­troin­testi­nal Can­cers Sym­po­sium, showed that tiragolum­ab in com­bi­na­tion with Roche’s oth­er check­point in­hibitor Tecen­triq, and chemother­a­py, met both pri­ma­ry end­points of pro­gres­sion-free sur­vival and over­all sur­vival with “sta­tis­ti­cal­ly sig­nif­i­cant” re­sults.

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