Lutetium, actinium or lead: Can isotope type offer an edge in radiotherapy?

Once con­sid­ered a niche can­cer ther­a­py, ra­di­oli­gands are in the midst of a re­nais­sance.

“If you think about where AD­Cs were four or five years ago, that’s rough­ly where ra­di­oli­gand ther­a­pies [RLT] are now,” No­var­tis’ head of ra­di­oli­gand ther­a­pies Jee­van Virk told End­points News in an in­ter­view. No­var­tis is one of the big names in the space, with the US ap­provals of Lu­tathera and Plu­vic­to in 2018 and 2022, re­spec­tive­ly.

Endpoints News

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