J&J hosts celebrities and Blue Jacket fashions during NY Fashion Week for prostate cancer awareness

J&J is walk­ing the cat­walk again to boost prostate can­cer aware­ness and screen­ing dur­ing New York Fash­ion Week. Now in its eighth year spon­sor­ing the Blue Jack­et Fash­ion Show, J&J In­no­v­a­tive Med­i­cine (the new name for the Janssen phar­ma di­vi­sion) will host a crew of celebri­ty mod­els at the Feb. 1 event.

Ac­tors Bil­ly Porter and Hol­ly Robin­son Peete and celebri­ty chef Mar­cus Samuels­son are among the stars lined up to show off fash­ions and em­pha­size health in­equities around prostate can­cer.

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