Exclusive: Nurse-hiring unicorn Incredible Health cuts workers

In­cred­i­ble Health, a job mar­ket­place plat­form for nurs­es val­ued at $1.65 bil­lion, has laid off staff this month, End­points News has learned.

The job cuts amount to less than 20% of the com­pa­ny’s work­force, ac­cord­ing to a per­son di­rect­ly fa­mil­iar with the re­duc­tions. The An­dreessen Horowitz-backed start­up, which match­es nurs­es look­ing for jobs with per­ma­nent open roles at hos­pi­tals, is al­so leav­ing a num­ber of ge­o­graph­ic ar­eas that aren’t as lu­cra­tive, an­oth­er source fa­mil­iar with the mat­ter told End­points. Both spoke on con­di­tion of anonymi­ty.

Endpoints News

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