Cannes Lions taps Edelman, Dentsu execs to lead the pharma, health and wellness juries

The Cannes Li­ons fes­ti­val and award show an­nounced that Dentsu Health’s Col­lette Douai­hy will lead the phar­ma ju­ry and Edel­man’s Wendy Chan will head up health and well­ness.

Both have pre­vi­ous­ly been Cannes judges in health cat­e­gories. Chan, who is the health cre­ative lead for Asia Pa­cif­ic at Edel­man, was on the phar­ma ju­ry last year, and Douai­hy, who is glob­al chief cre­ative of­fi­cer at Dentsu Health, served on the phar­ma ju­ry in 2022 and on health and well­ness in 2018.

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