Gene editing delivery biotech GenEdit partners with Genentech, raises another $24M

Gene edit­ing still needs bet­ter de­liv­ery sys­tems, more than half a dozen years af­ter Kun­woo Lee re­calls CRISPR pi­o­neer Jen­nifer Doud­na telling at­ten­dees at a con­fer­ence that “de­liv­ery, de­liv­ery, de­liv­ery” is the key chal­lenge to mak­ing the promis­ing in­no­va­tion a broad­er re­al­i­ty.

Around that time, Lee re­ceived his bio­med­ical en­gi­neer­ing PhD from UC Berke­ley, the famed in­sti­tu­tion where Doud­na’s No­bel-win­ning re­search was con­duct­ed, and in 2016, he co-found­ed the Bay Area biotech GenEd­it in the hopes of ad­dress­ing the de­liv­ery chal­lenge.

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