What virtual physical therapy startup Hinge Health wants in M&A

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De­spite a tough year for star­tups that need­ed to raise mon­ey, the dig­i­tal health in­dus­try in 2023 didn’t ex­pe­ri­ence a big wave of con­sol­i­da­tion. That trend might hit this year, in­dus­try ex­perts pre­dict.

Hinge Health could be among the ac­quir­ers. Found­ed in 2014, the com­pa­ny was val­ued at $6.2 bil­lion af­ter a $600 mil­lion round in 2021 — near the peak of dig­i­tal health en­thu­si­asm — and is one of the few star­tups in the in­dus­try gear­ing up to go pub­lic.

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